Quality System

Members of the Committee for ensuring and improving the quality of the Department of Mathematics of the University of Rijeka:

1. Prof. Dean Crnković
2. Assist. Prof. Bojan Crnković
3. Assoc. Prof. Ana Jurasić
4. Dr. Sara Ban
5. Alan Borščak
6. Antonio Špac
7. Nevia Grbac

Quality Assurance System of the University of Rijeka

By the Decision of the Departmental Council of the Department of Mathematics, University of Rijeka, on the acceptance of the Quality manual for studying at the University of Rijeka as the quality manual for studying at the Department of Mathematics, University of Rijeka, the Departmental Council has accepted the quality policy of the University of Rijeka as its own policy by which it actively chooses to develop the culture of quality.

The University of Rijeka develops the culture of quality by:

  • establishing and improving the quality assurance system based on the ESG, national and university criteria while promoting the active role of organizational units and active encouragement of the involvement of students in quality assurance system,
  • curriculum development based on innovative scientific research at the University,
  • creating an enticing environment for the work at the University,
  • researching and developing studies which guarantee an active role of the University in the development of the economy and community in which it operates,
  • transparency in work and responsibility,
  • continuous monitoring of the quality of work and periodic revision of the quality policies and strategies of the University.

The aim of the quality system of the Department of Mathematics is to promote quality culture and the development of institutional mechanisms for benchmarking with the long-lasting purpose of assuring and improving quality and promoting high standards of the professional and vocational development of the participants in all areas of activity of the Department of Mathematics. 

The unit for ensuring and improving the quality of the Department is the Committee for ensuring and improving the quality of the Department of Mathematics of the University of Rijeka. The Committee operates independently and is responsible for quality assurance and improvement in all areas of activity of the Department.

The culture of quality is built into all aspects of the activities and all normative acts. All participants of the Department (students, teachers, administrative staff, and external staff) are considered to be internal users of the quality department. External participants (the other levels of the education system, the economy, local and national government, culture, health ...) are included in the validation evaluation, purpose evaluation and the evaluation of the quality of work of the Department as a source of data for the evaluation and as a part of the Committee for Quality Department.
