About Us
The beginnings of the university education in mathematics in Rijeka date back to 1961, when the Department of Mathematics in Rijeka was founded. It was one of the departments constituting Faculty of Educational Sciences (since 1998 the Faculty of Philosophy), which was to become in 1973 one of the four founding faculties of the University of Rijeka. As a separate institution and a modern university department,
Department of Mathematics was established on December 17th 2007, based on the Decision of establishment of the University Departments, which was passed by University of Rijeka’s Senate. By another decision of University of Rijeka’s Senate, Department of Mathematics changed its name to Faculty of Mathematics on February 1st, 2022. Faculty of Mathematics is organising and conducting the first cycle study programme in mathematics, as well as the second cycle study programmes in mathematics and computer science.
It is situated in a new building on the University Campus with a lot of office, classroom and laboratory space, well equipped with computer and other equipment. Faculty includes 31 researchers, professors and assistants, constituting three research groups: algebra and number theory group, discrete mathematics group, and mathematical analysis group.