FOLDER1: 2-(71,15,3) designs having an automorphism of order 6 (incidence matrices) SUBFOLDER1: trigeodetic graphs constructed from 2-(71,15,3) designs having an automorphism of order 6 (input for nauty) References: S. Rukavina, Some new triplanes of order twelve, Glas. Mat. Ser. III 36(56) (2001), 105-125 D. Crnkovic, S. Rukavina, L. Simcic, On triplanes of order twelve admitting an automorphism of order six and their binary and ternary codes, Util. Math. 103 (2017), 23-40. FOLDER2: 2-(15,3,2) designs being derived designs of 2-(71,15,3) designs from Folder1 (incidence matrices) SUBFOLDER1: bigeodetic graphs constructed from 2-(15,3,2) designs (input for nauty) Reference: D. Crnkovic, S. Rukavina, L. Simcic, On triplanes of order twelve admitting an automorphism of order six and their binary and ternary codes, Util. Math. 103 (2017), 23-40. FOLDER3: 2-(56,12,3) designs being residual designs of 2-(71,15,3) designs from Folder1 (incidence matrices) SUBFOLDER1: trigeodetic graphs constructed from 2-(56,12,3) designs (input for nauty) References: S. Rukavina, 2-(56, 12, 3) designs and their class graphs, Glas. Mat. Ser. III 38(58) (2003), 201-210 D. Crnkovic, S. Rukavina, L. Simcic, On triplanes of order twelve admitting an automorphism of order six and their binary and ternary codes, Util. Math. 103 (2017), 23-40. FOLDER4: 2-(71,35,17) designs SUBFOLDER1: derived designs of 2-(71,35,17) designs file filtderv contains information about isomorphic structures SUBFOLDER2: rezidual designs of 2-(71,35,17) designs file filtresv contains information about isomorphic structures Reference: D. Crnkovic, S. Rukavina, L. Simcic, Binary doubly-even self-dual codes of length 72 with large automorphism groups, Mathematical communications, 18 (2013), 297-308 FOLDER5: orbit matrices for 2-(45,12,3) designs and an automorphism of order 3 (having 0, 3, 6, 9 fixed points) Reference: D.Crnkovic, B. G. Rodrigues, S. Rukavina, L. Simcic, Ternary codes from the strongly regular (45, 12, 3, 3) graphs and orbit matrices of 2-(45, 12, 3) designs, DISCRETE MATHEMATICS. 312 (2012), 20; 3000-3010 FOLDER6: all 2-(45,12,3) designs with nontrivial automorphism group (input for GAP: list "all45") References: D. Crnkovic, S. Rukavina, M. Schmidt, A classification of all Symmetric Block Designs of Order Nine with an Automorphism of Order Six, Journal of Combinatorial Designs, Vol. 14, No. 4 (2006), 301-312. D. Crnkovic, D. Dumicic Danilovic, S. Rukavina, Enumeration of symmetric (45,12,3) designs with nontrivial automorphisms, J. Algebra Comb. Discrete Struct. Appl. 3 (2016), 145-154. FOLDER7: 2-(69,17,4) designs having an automorphism of order 6 (blocks) Reference: S. Rukavina, Enumeration of symmetric (69, 17, 4) designs admitting Z6 as an automorphism group, Glas. Mat. Ser III 34 (54) (1999), 129-145 FOLDER8: 2-(61,16,4) designs obtained from codes (input for GAP: list "svi61") Reference: D. Crnkovic, S. Rukavina, V. D. Tonchev, New symmetric (61,16,4) designs obtained from codes, Algebraic Design Theory and Hadamard Matrices, (C. J. Coulbourn, Ed.), Springer Proc. Math. Stat., Vol. 133, Springer, New York, 2015, 61-69. FOLDER9: 2-(78,22,6) designs on which an automorphism of order six acts with orbit lengths distribution (1,1,2,2,3,3,3,3,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6) (input for GAP: list "dizajni") Reference: D. Crnkovic, D. Dumicic Danilovic, S. Rukavina, On symmetric (78,22,6) designs and related self-orthogonal codes, Util. Math. 109 (2018), 227-253. FOLDER10: Quasy-symmetric 2-(64,24,46) design derived from AG(3,4) (input for magma: list "des64") Reference: D. Crnkovic, B. G, Rodrigues, S. Rukavina, V. D. Tonchev, Quasy-symmetric 2-(64,24,46) design derived from AG(3,4), Discrete mathematics, 340 (2017), 2472-2478 FOLDER11: orbit matrices for strongly regular graphs (txt files) Reference: D. Crnkovic, M. Maksimovic, B. G, Rodrigues, S. Rukavina, Self-orthogonal codes from the strongly regular graphs on up to 40 vertices, Advances in Mathematics of Communications, Vol. 10, No. 3 (2016), 555-582. FOLDER12: extremal Type II Z4-codes of length 32 and type 4^{i}2^{32-2i} (lists S_i of generator matrices for i in {7,8,9,10}) Reference: S. Ban, S. Rukavina, On some new extremal Type II Z4-codes of length 40, Math. Commun., 25 (2020), 253-268. FOLDER13: extremal Type II Z4-codes of length 40 - generator matrices Table3.txt - codes from Table 3 in the reference (list "list_tab3") Table4.txt - codes from Table 4 in the reference (list "list_tab4") Table5.txt - codes from Table 5 in the reference (lists "Wdist_i" for i=1,...,46) Table6.txt - codes from Table 6 in the reference (list "std") - generator matrices in the standard form Table7.txt - codes from Table 7 in the reference (list "std") - generator matrices in the standard form Reference: S. Ban, S. Rukavina, On some new extremal Type II Z4-codes of length 40, Math. Commun., 25 (2020), 253-268. FOLDER14: orbit matrices for involution acting on 2-(36,15,6) designs - for an involution acting with 16 fixed points block orbits of length 2 precede the fixed block orbits Reference: S. Rukavina, V. D. Tonchev, Extremal ternary self-dual codes of length 36 and symmetric 2-(36,15,6) designs with an automorphism of order 2, FOLDER15: Symmetric 2-(70,24,8) designs on which an automorphism of order six acts with orbit legths distribution (1,1,2,3,3,3,3,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6) (input for magma: list "list") Reference: S. Rukavina, V. D. Tonchev, On symmetric 2-(70,24,8) designs with an automorphism of order 6, preprint