List of publications

  1. On a construction of self-orthogonal codes from orbit matrices of 2-designs,  Contrib. Discrete Math., to appear (with: M. Maksimović)

  2. On symmetric 2-(70,24,8) designs with an automorphism of order 6, Glas. Mat., to appear (with: V. D. Tonchev)

  3. Self-orthogonal codes from equitable partitions of distance-regular graphs, Adv. Math. Commun., to appear (with: D. Crnković, A. Švob)

  4. Extremal ternary self-dual codes of length 36 and symmetric 2-(36,15,6) designs with an automorphism of order 2, J. Algebraic Combin. 57 (2023) 905-913. (with: V. D. Tonchev) 

  5. New regular two-graphs on 38 and 42 vertices, Math. Commun., 27 (2022), 2, 151-161. (with: M. Maksimović)

  6. Type IV-II codes over Z4 constructed from generalized bent functions, Australas. J. Comb., 84 (2022), 3, 341-356. (with: S. Ban) 

  7. LDPC codes constructed from cubic symmetric graphs, Appl. Algebra Engrg. Comm. Comput, 33 (2022), 5, 505-522.  (with: D. Crnković, M. Šimac) 

  8. On the 2-Y-homogeneous condition of the incidence graphs of 2-designs, Graphs Combin. 38 (2022), 119, 15 pages (with: B. Fernández)

  9. LDPC codes constructed from cubic semisymmetric graphs, Ars. Math. Contemp. 22 (2022), #P2.03, doi:10.26493/1855-3974.2501.4c4. 13 pages, (with: D. Crnković, M. Šimac)

  10. Self-orthogonal codes from equitable partitions of association schemes, J. Algebraic Combin. 55 (2022) 157-171. (with: D. Crnković, A. Švob) 

  11. New symmetric 2-(71,15,3) designs, Bull. Inst. Combin. Appl. 94 (2022) 79-94. (with: D. Crnković)
  12. On automorphism groups of a biplane (121,16,2), Discrete Math. 344 (2021), 1122508, 8 pages (with: D. Crnković, D. Dumičić Danilović)

  13. On some new extremal Type II Z4-codes of length 40, Math. Commun., 25 (2020), 253-268.   (with: S. Ban)

  14. On some distance-regular graphs with many vertices, J. Algebraic Combin., 51 (2020), 641-652. (with: D. Crnković, A. Švob)

  15. New extremal Type II Z4-code of length 32 obtained from Hadamard matrices, Discrete Math. Algorithms Appl. 11, No.5 (2019), 1950057, 18 pages (electronic) ( (with: S. Ban, D. Crnković, M. Mravić)

  16. On some new Steiner 2-designs S(2,5,45), Util. Math. 111 (2019), 281-308. (with: D. Crnković, D. Dumičić Danilović, M. Šimac)

  17. LDPC codes from μ-geodetic graphs obtained from block designs, Graphs Combin. 35 (2019), 451-469. (with: D. Crnković, M. Šimac)

  18. On symmetric (78,22,6) designs and related self-orthogonal codes, Util. Math. 109 (2018), 227-253. (with: D. Crnković, D. Dumičić Danilović)

  19. Codes from orbit matrices of strongly regular graphs, Rad Hrvat. Akad. Znan. Umjet. Mat. Znan. 22(536) (2018), 23-38. (with: D. Crnković, M. Maksimović)

  20. New strongly regular graphs from orthogonal groups O+(6,2) and O-(6,2), Discrete Math. 341 (2018), 2723-2728. (with: D. Crnković, A. Švob)

  21. Quasi-symmetric 2-(64,24,46) designs derived from AG(3,4), Discrete Math. 340 (2017), 2472-2478. (with: D. Crnković, B. G. Rodrigues, V. D. Tonchev)

  22. On triplanes of order twelve admitting an automorphism of order six and their binary and ternary codes, Util. Math. 103 (2017), 23-40. (with: D. Crnković, L. Simčić)

  23. Self-orthogonal codes from the strongly regular graphs on up to 40 vertices, Adv. Math. Commun. 10 (2016), 555-582. (with: D. Crnković, M. Maksimović, B. G. Rodrigues)

  24. Enumeration of symmetric (45,12,3) designs with nontrivial automorphisms, J. Algebra Comb. Discrete Struct. Appl. 3 (2016), 145-154. (with: D. Crnković, D. Dumičić Danilović)

  25. Self-dual codes from quotient matrices of symmetric divisible designs with the dual property, Discrete Math. 339 (2016), 409-414. (with: D. Crnković, N. Mostarac)

  26. Self-dual codes from extended orbit matrices of symmetric designs, Des. Codes Cryptogr. 79 (2016), 113-120. (with: D. Crnković)

  27. New symmetric (61,16,4) designs obtained from codes, in: Algebraic Design Theory and Hadamard Matrices, (C. J. Colbourn, Ed.), Springer Proc. Math. Stat., Vol. 133, Springer, New York, 2015, 61-69. (with: D. Crnković, V. Tonchev)

  28. Binary doubly-even self-dual codes of length 72 with large automorphism groups, Math. Commun. 18 (2013), 297-308. (with: D. Crnković, L. Simčić)

  29. Self-orthogonal codes from orbit matrices of 2-designs, Adv. Math. Commun. 7 (2013), 161-174. (with: D. Crnković, B. G. Rodrigues, L. Simčić)

  30. Ternary codes from the strongly regular (45,12,3,3) graphs and orbit matrices of 2-(45,12,3) designs, Discrete Math. 312 (2012), 3000-3010. (with: D. Crnković, B. G. Rodrigues, L. Simčić)

  31. A Classification of all Symmetric Block Designs of Order Nine with an Automorphism of Order Six, J. Combin. Des. 14, No.4 (2006), 301-312. (with: D. Crnković, M. Schmidt)

  32. Block Designs and Strongly Regular Graphs Constructed form Some Linear and Unitary Groups, Pragmatic Algebra (Ki-Bong Nam et al. Eds.), SAS International Publications, Delhi, 2006. 93-108. (with: D. Crnković, V. Mikulić)

  33. Menon Designs with Parameters (256,120,56), Math. Maced. Vol. 3 (2005) (with: D. Crnković)

  34. Construction of Block Designs Admitting an Abelian Automorphism Group, Metrika. 62, (2005), 2-3; 175-183 (with: D. Crnković )

  35. On some symmetric (45,12,3) and (40,13,4) designs, Journal of Computational Mathematics and Optimization Vol. 1, No.1 (2005), 55-63. (with: D. Crnković )

  36. Block designs and a strongly regular graph constructed from linear groups L(2,49) and L(2,32), in Advances in Algebra towards Millennium Problems, Proceedings of 2004 International Conference on Related Subjects to Clay Problems, (Ki-Bong Nam et al. Eds.), SAS International Publications, Delhi, 2005, 197-207. (with: D. Crnković, V. Mikulić)

  37. On Symmetric (71,35,17) Designs, Math. Maced. Vol. 2 (2004), 51-58. (with: D. Crnković)

  38. Block designs constructed from the group U(3,3), J. Appl. Algebra Discrete Struct. (2004), no.2, 69—81. (with: D. Crnković, V. Mikulić)

  39. 2-(56,12,3) designs and their class graphs, Glas. Mat., Vol. 38 (58) (2003), 201-210.

  40. On Hadamard (35,17,8) designs and their automorphism groups, J. Appl. Algebra Discrete Struct. 1 (2003), no. 3, 165—180 (with: D. Crnković)

  41. Some symmetric (47,23,11) designs, Glas. Mat., Vol. 38 (58) (2003), 1-9. (with: D. Crnković )

  42. On some new 2-(56, 12, 3) designs, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, Vol 10. (2001), (

  43. Hadamard 2-(47,23,11) Designs having Frob55 as an Automorphism Group, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, Vol 10. (2001), ( (with: D. Crnković )

  44. Unique symmetric (66,26,10) design admitting an automorphism of order 55, Math. Commun. 6(2001), 83-87 (with: D. Crnković )

  45. Some new 2-(17,4,3) and 2-(52,13,4) designs, Glas. Mat, Vol. 36 (56) (2001), 187-193. (with: D. Crnković )

  46. Some new triplanes of order twelve, Glas. Mat., Vol. 36 (56) (2001), 105-125.

  47. Symmetric (66,26,10) designs having Frob55 as an automorphism group, Glas. Mat, Vol. 35 (55) (2000), 271-281 (with: D. Crnković )

  48. Enumeration of symmetric (69,17,4) designs admitting Z6 as an automorphism group, Glas. Mat., Vol. 34 (54) (1999), 129-145