
Seminar za matematičku analizu i primjene 6.4.2023.

6.4.2023. s početkom u 14 h u prostoriji 355 na adresi Radmile Matejčić 2, 51000 Rijeka profesor Mihaly Pituk će održati predavanje pod naslovom Nonoscillatory solutions of second order Poincaré difference equation. Na seminar su pozvani svi članovi seminara i svi zainteresirani.

Abstract. Poincaré’s classical theorem about the convergence of ratios of successive values of solutions applies if the characteristic roots of the associated limiting equation are simple and have different moduli. In this talk, we will show that for nonoscillatory solutions of second order difference equations the conclusion of Poincaré’s theorem is also true if the limiting equation has a double positive characteristic root.